Paper models – Dropship

If you surf around long enough, you’ll find there are a lot of people out there making some very cool paper models, some specifically for wargaming and most free to download.

One of the best I found are those made by this guy in Spain, his site is called Toposolitario. I downloaded his Pluton B dropship and UHV2000 Walrus hover APC. I printed them out on 100lb test paper and they went together very nicely. Since the color patterns are printed on, there’s no painting necessary. I can’t say they’re easy to assemble – they’re made with some sort of CAD program that makes them rather complicated. But if you’re careful and patient, the effect is very nice.

I’ll try and get some pics up of the two APCs I made. In the end, I got three nice-looking paper models that, were they made of plastic, resin or metal, probably would have cost me well over $50 all together. All I paid for was the paper, about 6 bucks. I should go sling the designer a few bucks on PayPal for his labors…

5 Responses to “Paper models – Dropship”

  1. Irate Squirrel Says:

    That thing is awesome. I didn’t know you were also into paper models. I made a ton of the old wheaties Jack Armstrong WWII gliders when I was a kid. Nothing like a Hellcat screaming low over the lawn before crashing into the roses.

    Bring it to the next Godlike game! I really want to see it.

  2. Nice building… 😉

    Now I have RSS news too in the site, so you better get there and keep informed of the upcoming tutorials and models 🙂

    Right now the last addition is a printable urban/industrial mat for futuristic wargamming… have a look:

  3. Jimmy Cox Says:

    These are great. I just built a bunch of this stuff:

    Can’s wait until TOPO does some more…


  4. […] Landing Pad – This is the terrain feature I slapped together the day before yesterday. If the Ramstar Strikers could manage to find and rescue Liselle, they would have to get her back here to the landing pad. The dropship on the pad is one of the excellent paper models available free from Toposolitario. […]

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