Archive for December, 2010

Slacking but not dead!

Posted in Minis, WIP with tags , , , on December 29, 2010 by stingersix

Oooh! I been bad and not posted anything for a month now! But it’s the holidays and other excuses. I haven’t been totally away from my minis projects. Just today I was working on that pyramid again. It’s just that casting up all those damned bricks takes freakin’ forever, and I still need to do probably 4 more castings (about 184 more bricks). Anyway, here’s what it looks like now:

It’s 12″ wide at the base and 6″ wide at the top. The Pig Iron squaddie is for scale reference. I could stop here, but I want this thing to be taller, so I’m going to add another layer on the bottom, increasing the base to 14″, and another level on top. Here’s a pic with some foam layers stuck in and you can visualize the rest:

So when it’s done, it’ll be 6″ tall. I think that will give it enough presence on the tabletop. And no, the layers are not entirely made of bricks. As you can see in the top photo, there’s a square foam core in each one and a double row of bricks on the outside. Stacked up, you can’t see the foam core. Saves weight (and this is heavy already) and the trouble of making a stupid amount of bricks!

I’ve already gone through 4 (I think) boxes of Permastone. At about $6 each and $20 for the foam I bought, I’m at about $44 for this project. I think I’m going to need at least 2 more boxes of Permastone. Then there’s whatever I end up spending on finishing it – paint, detailing, etc. If I can keep it under $75 (the cost of a painted, finished pyramid by Stonehouse Miniatures that inspired me to do this), I’ll be happy.

And I’ve kept my brush warm painting some of the minis from the Cadwallon game for a friend. This bug-looking dude is called Drokan. I’m pretty happy with the verdigris effect I got on his bronze armor.

I’m probably getting into an upswing for painting, so more soon! See you in the New Year!