Archive for April, 2013


Posted in 40K, Minis with tags , , , , on April 13, 2013 by stingersix

So, here’s the first Bloodletter I did. I used the Army Painter Dragon Red spray primer and the results are good so far. Instead of washing with brown, I tried purple and that worked really well. I also tried to do some NMM on the sword. Not super happy with that and I may just fall back on regular metallic paint when I get to the others. So far the most painstaking work on these has been the blending on the horns. They should go fairly quickly now that I’ve got that done.

Ah, the camera shows a lot of little things to fix!

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Fallen to Chaos

Posted in 40K, Minis with tags , , , , on April 12, 2013 by stingersix

Finally got some Chaos Daemon models and started working on them. Ostensibly, I’m going to use them for the Kill Team campaign we’re doing at the store, but they’ll probably expand into a full army. I had a thought to go with Tzeentch as the base but my blackened soul thirsts for the blood of my enemies and I went with Khorne – I have a squad a of Bloodletters, a pack of Flesh Hounds, and a Blood Throne of Khorne, which is a totally crazy model that looks like a spiky, angry, dragster.

I’ll get some pics up over the weekend, but I painted up a Bloodletter to test my paint scheme and pretty much hit it on the first try, so now I’m doing the rest. Also trying out the Army Painter red spray primer, which is working out quite well.