Archive for Ambush Alley Games

40K and Me

Posted in 40K, Games with tags , , , on August 6, 2011 by stingersix

I have pretty much always liked GW’s 40K miniatures, which I can’t say for the game itself. I played the original WH40K: Rogue Trader quite a lot back in the day, and had lots of fun with it – all I had at the time were the plastic Space Marines (30 for $20!!) and metal Space Ork Raiders, lots of conversions, scratchbuilt stuff and other odds and ends (zoats, funky Ork rockers, etc).

After that I was very heavy into Epic scale Space Marine (later Epic Armageddon). But by that time my interest in the 28mm game had waned. Still I always liked the minis, even if I didn’t buy or paint them.

Since last year, I have drifted slowly back toward 40K, buying some Marines (since I have always liked Space Marines) and painting them up. Now I actually have a game of 5th ed 40K on my calendar for next week – my first game of 40K in 20 years. I have no illusions that I will win. I’m 100% sure I will have my ass handed to me.

I’m doing this because I simply want to give the game a try. I’ve read the rules and have found many things that I don’t like about them, some things that I think are just outright stupid, but I want to play it and see for myself – the proof is in the pudding.

I have a feeling it won’t float my boat. As heavily geared as it is for tournament play, I can’t see myself liking it that much. I have no interest in tournament play whatsoever. But I’ll at least be able to base my judgment on experience.

I still really like the minis and I’ll keep buying and painting them. To actually game with them, I can’t say how much I’m looking forward to the release of Tomorrow’s War from Ambush Alley Games in September. I’m sure 40K players who see me using GW minis to play Tomorrow’s War will either stare in confusion or try to burn me for a heretic, but I don’t care.